Human Capital Officer

Penempatan: Jakarta Pusat , DKI Jakarta
Kategori: Full Time
Industri: Outsourcing
Level Posisi: -
Usia: -

Uraian Tugas

  • Handling Recruitment Process (Sourcing, Interview, Onboard, Recruitment Report, Newcomer Database Monitoring)
  • Employee retention management involves taking strategic actions to keep employees motivated
  • Conduct training on new rules and regulations for employees.
  • Reviewing, compiling and updating the structure, vision & mission, strategic, business processes and job descriptions in accordance with the company's performance targets.
  • Develop, implement and review Career Path, Talent Management, and Retantion.
  • Develop and handle performance management systems, job evaluation and job assessment including KPI monitoring.

Syarat & Kualifikasi

  • Minimum education S1 Management, Human Resource Management, (Preferably majoring in Psychology).
  • Minimum. 2  year working experience as People Development/ Learning & Development
  • Understanding in Organizational Development, Performance Management and Employee Development.
  • Strong written and oral communication skills, including good presentation skills
  • Passionate in People Development area
  • Ability to design and implement training and development

Sertifikasi yang dibutuhkan: -

Fakultas atau Jurusan yang lebih disukai: -

Kemampuan bahasa yang lebih disukai: -

Untuk disabilitas: Tidak

* Semua lamaran lowongan dan proses rekrutmen GRATIS tanpa dipungut biaya.
Apabila terdapat pihak yang meminta bayaran dalam bentuk apapun (seperti uang muka, modal kerja, atau biaya lainnya) dalam proses rekrutmen harap melapor kepada REDY Care melalui WhatsApp 0878-2077-7396.