Product Manager

Penempatan: Jakarta Selatan , DKI Jakarta
Kategori: Full Time
Level Posisi: Supervisor / Coordinator
Usia: 25 - 30 Tahun

Uraian Tugas

Product Managers are responsible for overseeing the entire product lifecycle, encompassing the development, launch, and maintenance of new products or services. They collaborate with various departments to ensure the creation of a final product or service that aligns with customer needs and contributes to the company's objectives.


  • Conduct thorough research and analysis on product metrics, customers, market trends, and internet trends to identify challenges and opportunities.
  • Generate innovative ideas based on the identified challenges that enhance market share, improve customer experience, drive growth, and increase conversion rates.
  • Develop and formulate effective product strategies based on the generated ideas.
  • Translate the product strategy into detailed requirements and prototypes.
  • Monitor the implementation of product initiatives, assess their impact, and ensure timely progress.
  • Collaborate with UI/UX teams to create a seamless user interface.
  • Coordinate with cross-functional teams to ensure successful product execution and delivery.
  • Collaborate with other teams during the implementation of new features or enhancements.
  • Ensure high product quality through comprehensive functional testing.

Syarat & Kualifikasi

  • A degree in Computer Science, Informatics Engineering, or 1-4 years of relevant experience in similar roles.
  • Experience using Jira, Bitbucket, Figma etc. tools is a plus.
  • Experience with Scrum & Sprint agile development methodology is required.
  • Strong logical thinking and reasoning skills.
  • Intuitive understanding of user experience.
  • Proficiency in developing mobile apps and website products is desirable.
  • Meticulous attention to detail.
  • Data-driven mindset with a focus on finding solutions.
  • Excellent organizational and time management abilities.
  • Exceptional communication, presentation skills.

Skill yang dibutuhkan:
  • Scrum Master
  • Figma

Sertifikasi yang dibutuhkan: -

Fakultas atau Jurusan yang lebih disukai:
  • Fakultas : Komputer & Informatika - Jurusan : Sistem Informasi
  • Fakultas : Komputer & Informatika - Jurusan : Cyber Security

Kemampuan bahasa yang lebih disukai:
  • Bahasa Indonesia
  • Bahasa Inggris

Untuk disabilitas: Tidak

* Semua lamaran lowongan dan proses rekrutmen GRATIS tanpa dipungut biaya.
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